There isn’t a cure for arthritis, but medication and physiotherapy can help improve symptoms. CBD has already been utilized to ease and assist many health conditions, including insomnia, anxiety and depression, nausea, and chronic pain. With this in mind, research has shown that CBD use whilst suffering from Arthritis can help alleviate the symptoms associated with the disease.
Arthritis is the most common cause of disability. ‘Arthritis’ covers a broad range of conditions that cause joint pain and inflammation. There are around 10 million people in the UK with some form of arthritis, and it can affect people of all ages. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most common types of arthritis, but there are many others. These include gout caused by too much uric acid in the body, and fibromyalgia, which causes pain in muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
The Endocannabinoid system is a system of receptors that regulate the balance of CNS and PNS, inflammation, immune stem and hormones. Modulation of this system through the use of cannabinoids could be the key to arthritis relief. CBD oil has been found to benefit both pain and inflammation and is growing in popularity as a supplement used to help manage numerous conditions. Since arthritis is a form of inflammation that can cause chronic pain, CBD is used more and more commonly by people living with arthritis.
How Do I Relieve Arthritis Pain at Home?
1. Engage in Low-Impact Exercise
Movement is key. To ensure joints stay nimble, get into the habit of keeping your limbs in motion with regular exercise. But take note: cardio and high-impact strength training could do more harm than good. What you want is a gentle, low-impact workout with fluid movement that stretches sore joints. Try targeting a (realistic) daily step count, doing a 30-minute yoga session, or going swimming.
If joint pain is focused in your hands, repeat a few finger and wrist exercises every day. These could include making and releasing a fist, bending fingers and thumbs, forming an ‘O’ with your hands, and stretching wrists.
2. Try Relaxation Techniques
There are two types of people: those who believe in the power of meditation and mindfulness, and those who think it’s, at best, a fad. If you’re in the latter group, bear with us here. When you’re carrying stress and tension, this can exacerbate arthritic pain, making a relaxation technique one of the most powerful tools you can have up your sleeve. You’ve got nothing to lose by giving it a go to see if it has a soothing impact. Get started with Cannaray’s Sounds of CBD sound baths, led by Tamara Klien. You can find them all here.
3. Draw a Long, Warm Bath
We’re big fans of a bath for all manner of aches, pains and ailments, and a 2010 study from Istanbul University, published in Rheumatology International, shows that soaking in warm water can offer benefits for those with arthritis. Researchers discovered that 30 men and women with osteoarthritis of the knee were able to take longer, faster strides after soaking in warm water for 20 minutes a day for two weeks. So, why not start your day in the tub? Ensure the water is warm – not hot – and do some gentle stretches while you’re in there. You could even add some Epsom salts to boost the effects.
4. Apply Soothing Cold Packs
Cold therapy can be good for arthritic joints, too. Because cool temperatures cause blood vessels to constrict, inflammation decreases when a cold pack is applied to areas of swelling and soreness. Try it by wrapping ice cubes in a towel or muslin cloth and pressing this DIY cold pack to your skin. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but it can help to numb deep pain.
5. Give Sore Joints a Massage
Get temporary relief by massaging sore, arthritic joints. To make this soothing step easier, do your home massage with a scoopful of the eucalyptus-infused CBD Muscle Balm – the melting balm to oil texture is ideal for massage. Reach for a generous amount, work it into the target area with your fingertips, and repeat whenever discomfort strikes. Bonus: the balm is completely non-greasy, so it stays right where you want it.
If you think you may be suffering from arthritis or begin to notice symptoms, it’s best to speak to your GP.