Delta (9) is a cannabinoid that has been found in cannabis plants. This compound acts on the endocannabinoid system, which keeps our bodies healthy by regulating many bodily functions such as pain response, mood, appetite, sleep, memory, metabolism, inflammation, and immune function. Although cannabinoids are often studied for their psychoactive effects, they can have other health benefits besides relieving symptoms of anxiety or depression.
Discussed below are some of its benefits:
Relieve Pain
One of the most well-known uses of cannabinoids in treating chronic pain. The body naturally produces opioids which work as natural analgesics; however, when there is an injury or illness, this production decreases, and pain begins. THC enters the body’s endo-cannabinoid-tricyclic pathway. It activates receptors located throughout the brain and spinal cord. These receptors are primarily responsible for relaying messages from the central nervous system to peripheral nerves telling them to stop sending signals if they are no longer needed. This ultimately causes the nerve endings to become less sensitive to pain stimuli. Studies show that certain strains of marijuana with high amounts of THC can block out painful sensations in the body. Since THC does not enter the brain but rather affects the body directly, people who suffer from severe migraines, arthritis, and even cancer may benefit from cannabis-based drugs.
Reduce Inflammation
There is evidence that suggests that cannabinoids can be used to reduce inflammation. By inhibiting enzymes that cause cell damage, THC helps slow down chemical reactions within the body that lead to tissue damage and scarring. Cannabinoids also activate CB2 receptors, another type of receptor present in the brain and spinal cord that prevents the overstimulation of neurons. This leads to reduced levels of glutamate, thus preventing neuronal death. In addition to reducing pain and inflammation, cannabinoids have also been shown to help prevent heart disease and diabetes. They can bind to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), which regulate insulin resistance. PPARs act like key switches that tell cells what to do at any given time. If you eat foods rich in carbohydrates, your body sends all available glucose into cells to generate energy. However, fats, proteins, and cholesterol require additional resources to produce energy because they don’t contain enough sugar molecules. To compensate, your PPARs will start working overtime, telling your liver to store fat instead of burning it off. With cannabinoids binding to PPARs, however, they inhibit this process and allow more glucose to reach the cells, allowing them to burn it off instead of storing it. It’s possible that cannabinoids could also help patients suffering from Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Boost Memory & Learning
There is some research suggesting that cannabinoids can enhance learning and memory. Studies have shown that THC increases activity in the hippocampus when administered orally, one of the brain areas storing short-term memories. This increase was associated with enhanced spatial learning ability. A study on mice revealed that, after being given a cannabinoid drug, the animals learned to navigate mazes much faster than normal. Research has also shown that cannabidiol enhances cognitive processing in humans.
Improve Sleep Quality
The amount of sleep we need each night varies depending on our age and how active we are during the day, but generally speaking, adults should get seven hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. However, many people find that their sleep quality suffers when stressed out and anxious. One way to improve sleep quality is by consuming CBD before bedtime. Because the endocannabinoid system regulates physical and emotional health, researchers believe that cannabinoids play an important role in regulating sleep cycles, especially REM sleep.
CBD may also help control anxiety and insomnia. Although most people tend to experience drowsiness or lethargy when taking THC-rich strains, CBD can induce calmness and relaxation without making users feel sleepy. When taken before bedtime, CBD may promote deeper, restful sleep.
Relieve Pain
WHO estimates that nearly one billion people worldwide suffer from chronic pain. Chronic pain is often accompanied by depression, fatigue, and stress, contributing to poor sleep quality. Fortunately, there’s reason to hope that cannabis may provide relief. Numerous studies show that certain compounds found naturally in marijuana, such as Delta (9) THC and CBD, and other plant-based cannabinoids may relieve chronic pain and other symptoms of various conditions, such as arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, epilepsy, and glaucoma. Delta(9) often gets a bad rap, primarily because of its psychoactive effects. But if you’re looking for ways to reduce pain, relax, and improve sleep quality while still maintaining a balanced lifestyle, it makes sense to consider adding CBD oil to your regimen.